Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Armies of the Saints

I am no historian; nor a religion expert, and definitely not a politician.  God created me to be an explorer, an artist, poet, and writer; which I know without a doubt, God will see that I do just that on the new Earth one day.

Since 9/11, the role of our military has become significantly more important than ever before; not since our two world wars fought during the 20th century of American history.  After WWII, the ally forces created the WEU which in it's infancy, comprised of 10 nations.  Having just completed my Bible study of Daniel, when I discovered this bit of history, I was terrified for the unsaved.   OMG!  The prophetic end times is nearer than I was taught to believe.  I was shocked; terrified; and very disappointed with the Christian church (of all denominations).  Jesus was not kidding when He said He will be returning soon (Revelation 12:22) and with His return will be the "rewards" according to our deeds and judgment to those who do not accept Jesus as their Lord and savior. 

Lately, I've been wondering if our armies will be the armies of the saints and whose side will our military personnel take when that time arrives.  In my earlier study of Biblical prophesy, as a newbie, I wasn't 100% certain if Jerusalem would be under seige again.  In my reading of scripture, the Holy Spirit guided me through some of the passages of Zechariah 14.  When this time comes, whose side will our armies be on?  Whose nation will follow the anti-Christ and which nation will hold their ground and uphold their faith in the Lord?  These are difficult questions.  I think, a person must keep in perspective what the book of Daniel entails.  In summary, the statue of Neb and the 4th world empire should be looked upon from a much, much bigger perspective.  The ancient Roman empire is considered a world empire because it stretched throughout parts of the present day continent of Europe and Africa; but it did not literally cover the entire planet.  For example, present day China was never under the rule of ancient Rome.  However, the future world order under the anti-Christ could possibly influence (but without 100% certainty) China in two areas:  economic policy and/or natural resources (e.g. oil - just as Beth Moore speculated).  Today, half of our world headlines are about monetary policy and the debt crisis; the other half, about middle-east instability. 

I agree, as Christians, we do need to be prepared.  If Jesus returns during our lifetime, that's great Praise God!  If you've confessed your sin, humbled and submit yourself to Christ and asked Jesus into your heart and to be Lord over you; then you have nothing to fear.  There is no fear of the end; no fear of the uncertain.  I just hope and pray you don't mind being around, "hob knobbing" with a lot of people - including famous historical figures you read and studied about in school. 

Hot dog!  I get to spend eternity with God, Jesus, Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist (who unlike me, did not have an IPhone in his pocket or leather satchel), George and Martha Washington, ....and that's just naming a few.

Hopefully, your name will be found in the Lamb's book of life.

Our Lord is wonderful and marvelous!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Did Jesus Say?

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  Be on guard!  Be alert!  You do not know when that time will come."  Mark 13:32, 33

"...As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives [which He will one day return to again] opposite the temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew asked Him privately 'Tell us, when will these things happen?  And what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled?  Jesus said to them:  "'...When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed.  Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.  Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines.  These are the beginning of birth pains.'"  Mark 13:3-8

"'When you see the 'abomination that causes desolation' standing where it does not belong [in the Jewish Temple] - let the reader understand - ....'"  Mark 13:14

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 21, 2011

What is the significance of May 21, 2011? Since my mouse is totally out of control, when I google, I seem to have found a commercial brand of the Anti-virus........Huh? Yep, exactly right. Logic is not supported here in any theory.

Since May 21, 2011 is supposedly my last day on earth, I'm going to eat a big bagel with low-fat cream cheese and drink a hot cup of java and observe, wait for the end of the world to come.